Monday, April 7, 2008

Canada, Britain, and the war of 1812

There have been reports of Native American's with guns. The nation of the United States of America have not been supplying them. We think its the British who are in Canada. We sent an invasion to the capital of the Native American city. There we found British weapons, that means the British were supplying them. This means we have a choice to ignore this or War with Britain. On June 12th 1812 Congress of the United States of America declared war on Great Britain. United States recruited a Militia of 5,000 to go to war with Great Britain. The saying "Millions for defense" was a popular saying during this time.

The first move The United States made was against the British north of them, In Canada. United States thought eliminating the British in Canada would add as a nice new land to the United States. Later on United States never obtained Canada. The British decided to take it deep into United States territory, By burning the Presidents house and taking over the Philadelphia's. This long war led into the Battle of New Orleans which was the greatest victory in the United States History. The United States took down an army that was twice its size. However they found out that they had just signed a treaty meaning they weren't suppose to. The United States was begging for a peace treaty, and the time they get one that kill a giant British army. However the British army wasn't informed of the treaty also so Britain didn't make a big deal about it.

Once the war was over Britain and United States were at peace.

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